888Holdings Seeks to Change Its Name to Evoke
In a significant conference this morning, CEO Per Widerström and CFO Sean Wilkins presented the company's 2023 Full Year Results to analysts and investors. However, the highlight of the event was the announcement of the company's proposed new name: evoke.
888Holdings Seeks to Change Its Name to Evoke
This name change marks a significant milestone in the history of 888Holdings, as it reflects a new strategic direction as the company seeks to continue evoking positive emotions in its customers through world-class betting and gaming experiences. By embracing the strengths of the past, evoke represents a renewed commitment to excellence and innovation in the online entertainment industry.

CEO Per Widerström explained that the name evoke was carefully chosen to convey the idea of stimulating, inspiring, and evoking positive emotions in platform users. This name change is not only a symbol of transformation but also an affirmation of the company's unified vision and clear strategy.

While the name change is an important step, Widerström and Wilkins also presented evoke's new Value Creation Plan, designed to drive profitable and sustainable revenue growth, and a higher return on equity.
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