Málaga and Melilla Sign Agreement to Boost Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The National Digital Content Hub of the Málaga City Council and the Autonomous City of Melilla have signed a General Protocol of Intentions aimed at enhancing technological development and fostering entrepreneurship in both regions.
Málaga and Melilla Sign Agreement to Boost Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Alicia Izquierdo, Councillor for Innovation, Digitalization, and Investment Attraction of Málaga, and Miguel Marín Cobos, First Vice President of the Melilla Government and Minister of Economy, Trade, Technological Innovation, Tourism, and Promotion, led this initiative to establish a collaborative framework for integrating knowledge, research, and innovation while supporting the business and productive sectors.

The agreement aims to bolster both regions' capacities as hubs for innovative companies by coordinating and collaborating on joint R&D and entrepreneurship projects. Planned actions include identifying common strengths, developing talent with specialized training, defining incentives for innovative companies, and organizing networking events.

The protocol, which has an initial term of two years, also provides for the creation of a joint committee to oversee and direct the progress of the initiatives. It focuses on promoting sustainability and economic growth through innovation and technology, laying the groundwork for effective collaboration between Málaga and Melilla.

Through this agreement, both regions hope to create significant opportunities for business and technological development, benefit from mutual fiscal incentives, and solidify their positions as attractive locations for investment and job creation.
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