Regis Dudena to Serve as Brazil's Regulator for Betting and Online Gaming
At the helm of the Secretary of Prizes and Betting, Regis Dudena will be responsible for regulating lotteries, commercial promotions, and the legislation of the sports betting market, known as "bets," and online gaming.
Regis Dudena to Serve as Brazil's Regulator for Betting and Online Gaming
The Official Gazette of the Union - DOU has published the appointment of lawyer Regis Dudena to the position of Secretary of Prizes and Betting - SPA of the Ministry of Finance. The appointment is signed by the Minister of the Civil House, Rui Costa.

Dudena is a close associate of the executive secretary of Finance, Dario Durigan, with whom he worked as a special advisor in the Special Secretariat for Legal Affairs of the Civil House during the government of Dilma Rousseff (PT). His nomination is attributed to the number 2 in Finance.
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