The andalusian Government (Junta Andalucia), through the Authorization Service General Directorate of Taxes, Financing, Financial Relations with local Corporations and Gambling and with the help of the Statistical and Cartographic Unit, Ministry of Finance, Industry and Energy,
has published a complete Report that under the title STATISTICS OF PRIVATE GAMING IN ANDALUSIA offers all the data generated by the private gaming sector in its territorial area in the year 2019. In addition, they complete information on the registration of self-prohibited persons, inspections and sanctioning procedures is included.
InfoPlay we have collected the most relevant information in this 20-page document with some tables that are attached to the Report and with two infographics that, as a summary, help to better understand the data.
The report is divided into three parts wich we summarize below. But for more complete information please visit our article in the Spanish version of InfoPlay
HERE that has a dozen graphs and tables.
- Part I: Data on Game Volume in Andalusia
The global figure for Game Volume in the Community is around 2,226 million euros, with SLOTS Type B as a sub-sector that accounts for almost 73% of this figure. Casino and Bingo fell this year compared to the 2018 figures, while Sports Betting increased significantly, although they are still the last segment in importance with just 6.8% of the total, as we also see in this infographic.
Compared last years, the total volume (2,226 million euros) and the average expenditure per inhabitant (€ 264) increase for the fifth consecutive year. In 2018 these two variables were 2,003 million euros and 246 euros respectively.
- Part II: The Data of the different Subsectors
Regarding sub-sectors of the private gaming activity in Andalusia, we have already seen that Slot B Machines continue to lead the contribution in total gaming volume. We show some of the most relevant data also from Casinos, Bingo and Sports Betting, although we point out again that all except for traditional bingo have grown in this exercise. Regarding Electronic Bingo (incorporated in 2019), unlike the other products, we cannot know this evolution since there is no comparative table to see its evolution with respect to previous years.
Specifically, the data in volume by subsector show how Machines B, with a density of 3.8 machines per thousand inhabitants, materialize in some 32,000 units throughout the community, exceeding 1600 million euros in volume, exceeding the 1,559 million generated in 2018.
- Part III: The Data of the scope of control of the Administration
In the 2019 Statistical Report, a last part stands out that focuses on the activity of control, inspection and sanctioning power of the Administration. In the three tables that we show below we can know in detail the evolution and current situation of these three important elements that serve to give an idea of ??the capital work of the Autonomous Administration.
1) Inspections:
The Report contains a revealing table in which the inspections carried out by the Administration are shown, differentiating those that have been carried out by the Police and by the Delegations or other authorities. In total, of the 17,957 inspections, 16,857 have been carried out on machines.
2) Sanctioning Regime:
Regarding sanctioning files, in this table we can see some data that divide administrative actions according to the subsectors and the province in which they have been processed, highlighting that the draws and "other games" are the segment that accounts for the vast majority of them .
3) Self-Prohibited People:
Regarding the self-prohibition registry, the table that shows the situation most clearly is the following, where divided by sex, we can see the distribution of prohibited persons in the registry, both by province and at the autonomous community level, with the aggregated data. There are a total of 39,219 people enrolled in this registry of which almost 24,000 are men and 15,500 women, representing 61% and 30% respectively.
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