
 LUCKIA Croatia was recognized for excellence in personnel management for the third year in a row

 Luckia Croatia, the division of the Luckia Gaming Group in that country, obtained for the third consecutive year the prestigious Employer Partner Certificate for Excellence in Human Resource Management. On this occasion, Luckia has stood out for the high investments in the training of its employees, to the point that on average each member of its staff had 50 hours of training during 2019.
 It should be noted that, with each participation, Luckia Croatia gets better marks. This is largely due to the fact that the company annually conducts employee satisfaction surveys; and, considers the results obtained to develop action plans that allow satisfying both the desires and the needs of its human talent.

On the other hand, Luckia Croatia reports that the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has strengthened team spirit and communication among its employees, who have also made proposals for new services and projects with excellent results.

On this new recognition, Tanja Švec, Human Resources Manager of Luckia Croatia, said:
"We are immensely grateful to all our employees who continue to work with the same zeal in the new conditions. Our high results this year are our motivation to continue creating new projects and continue with the good HR practices we have".
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