
 Kambi reveals the dates of its Sports Betting Festival (video)

 Kambi reveals the dates of its Sports Betting Festival (video)
 Kambi has revealed its plans to hold a Festival of Sportsbook between March 15-19.
In this regard, Kambi stresses that the festival week will be loaded with knowledge and experience on some of the most pressing issues in the sports betting industry.

The Kambi Sports Betting Festival, which takes place March 15-19, will feature a mix of content aimed at a variety of audiences and geographies, delivered by a range of Kambi's experienced subject experts and special guests.

This event, which will take place virtually, will cover the entire breadth of the modern panorama of sports betting, with a mix of public and invite-only sessions informing on subjects such as sports integrity, benefits of a partner network and regulation, as well as a presentation of Kambi's annual NFL Season Review.

Erik Lögdberg, Chief Operating Officer of Kambi, was pleased to announce the Kambi Sports Betting Festival, which “offers a valuable opportunity to come together with our partners and other stakeholders from across the sports betting industry”.

Likewise, he commented that he hopes it is possible to "discuss the future of sports betting across the week and explore how our partners and others within the industry can take advantage of the opportunities it presents."

To receive updates and register interest in the Festival, visit:

Below, the promotional video of the Kambi Sports Betting Festival

Kambi's Festival of Sportsbook from Kambi on Vimeo.

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