
 Tan Hee Teck, new CEO of Genting Singapore

 Tan Hee Teck, new CEO of Genting Singapore

   Tan Hee Teck, CEO Genting Singapur

 Genting Singapore recently announced that Tan Hee Teck has been appointed CEO of the company effective immediately.
Genting Singapore has highlighted that Tan Hee Teck has served as the company's president and chief operating officer (COO) for the past twelve years.

It is worth mentioning that the new CEO has held various positions in the group since 1982. More specifically, he was appointed CEO of Resorts World at Sentosa Pte. Ltd. (RWS) effective January 1, 2007 and President of RWS effective February 25, 2015.

In a press release, Genting Singapore has highlighted the responsibility of the CEO and stated: "is responsible for executing the board's approved strategies, managing and developing Genting Singapore's business, and providing leadership to the management team of the group to ensure effective day -to-day operational performance and organizational excellence”.

The appointment comes at a strategic time, especially considering that last February Genting Singapore said it should start its $4.5 billion RWS megagrowth in the second quarter of this year, with an initial investment of $400 million.
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