

CLUB DE CONVERGENTES communicates with great joy the incorporation of IGT to the Spanish Association of manufacturers of gaming machines and systems.
In March 2022, IGT announced its launch in the “Salones” subsector in Spain with compelling solutions specifically adapted to the market through an exclusive distribution agreement with Orenes Grupo. Designed to suit the unique needs of specific player segments and all communities, IGT’s top-performing content and hardware, backed by the Company’s committed local account team, is well-positioned to help operators in Spain achieve excellent outcomes with high-performance , market-attuned games and solutions.

From CLUB DE CONVERGENTES we thank IGT for their decision to join our association, and we are delighted to include them. In addition, their incorporation confirms that membership in the Spanish association of gaming machines and systems is an asset for manufacturers and developers who want to be at the forefront of the national market.

As always, remember that CLUB DE CONVERGENTES is open to the integration and admission of new members, in order to continue building points of consensus and agreement within the Spanish gaming industry in a coordinated manner.

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