
 Caesars Entertainment released their condolences on the death of Sheldon Adelson

Caesars Entertainment has released its condolences on the death of businessman Sheldon Adelson, delivering a loving message to his family and friends, as well as the Las Vegas Sands team.

In this regard, Tom Reeg, CEO of Caesars Entertainment, highlighted the importance of Sheldon Adelson's vision to lay the foundations of the Las Vegas gaming industry as we know it today.
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Our condolences to Sheldon Adelson, his family and friends, and the Las Vegas Sands team.

Sheldon Adelson was a visionary who undeniably shaped our industry. From championing the nascent convention business, which has become one of the pillars of Las Vegas as we know it today, to being the first to develop resort-style gaming in Macau, the impact of Adelson's entrepreneurial vision and ambition is indelible. It may have been matched only by his commitment to his family and community. We are grateful for the legacy he left behind, and our hearts are with his team at Las Vegas Sands, and his friends and family.

- Tom Reeg, Chief Executive Officer, Caesars Entertainment
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