
INTRALOT Announces Extension of Contract with OPAP

INTRALOT Announces Extension of Contract with OPAP
INTRALOT extends its partnership with the Greek leading gaming operator for the provision of numerical lottery products and services.
INTRALOT announces that OPAP, the leading Greek gaming operator, exercised its two-year extension option of the contract with INTRALOT for the continuation of the collaboration of the two companies in the field of numerical lotteries and services from August 2021 to July 2023.

This extension allows INTRALOT to continue providing its state-of-the-art Lottery Solution, that incorporates its novel core platform “LotosX”, launched with great success in 2019, along with several other components and high-quality services.

The Lottery Solution enables OPAP to keep optimizing the gaming experience and responsibly increase the engagement of the Greek player community. Our next generation future-proof platform is designed to build scalable ecosystems that meet the growing market demand and fully supports the modernization and digital transformation of OPAP.

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