
 EGT Steel Production celebrates its first anniversary with big projects for 2021

 EGT Steel Production celebrates its first anniversary with big projects for 2021
EGT Steel Production, a subsidiary of Euro Games Technology (EGT), reaches its first anniversary with multiple projects and objectives to be achieved during 2021.

According to the company, EGT Steel Production was established in March 2020 with the purpose of being a key participant in the production of machines, making their welded housings and all steel accessories and elements included in the machines (holders - for bill validators and counters , Exciter platform boxes, etc.).
 In this regard, its experienced CEO Stefan Georgiev explained:
"The main role of EGT Steel Production is also to provide more flexibility to the highly efficient R&D department of Euro Games Technology so that all new slot models, developed by it, to be made and tested in-house before their mass production commences."

On the other hand, Georgiev highlights that it also aims to offer products made of steel for external international customers.

As reported by EGT in a press release, the material-technical base of the company covers 5000 sq. m of which 3000 sq. m are indoor area. The manufacturing facility includes 4 main workshops: for laser cutting of sheet material, where also is used a latest generation high-performance CNC punch center; for details forming with CNC press brakes bending machines for up to 15 mm thickness of the material and for fasteners mounting with a CNC / NC and manual press; and two workshops for welding (manual and robotic), final assembly and finishing operations such as mechanical cleaning and painting preparations.

Currently, EGT Steel Production has a team of specialists in the area who are working hard on the complete renovation of the factory, so that the optimization of its operations is possible. More specifically, within the objectives set for 2021 is to go from a manufacturing capacity of 150 tons to 200 tons of processed steel per month.

Referring to the effects of the crisis caused by COVID-19, Stefan Georgiev highlights the opportunity to be able to dedicate to the renovation of the plant in an organized and efficient way, due to the decrease in the volume of work.

As a result of the time spent at the plant, the CEO of EGT Steel Production hopes to optimize the production costs of the cabinets, increase resilience by launching new models, shorten production times, improve communication and efficiency at work, to improve the quality of EGT's final products.
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