
 Zitro seduces Calder Casino players with its progressive multiplayer 88 Link Wild Duels

 88 Link Wild Duels, Zitro's award-winning progressive multiplayer, continues to grow with every new install. This time around, the game has dazzled users of the fabulous Calder Casino in Florida with its ultra-slim Allure cabinet.
Zitro explained that 88 Link Wild Duels has quickly become a "must play" with loyal players in the state of Florida, as has happened around the world since its first release.

Mike Magrisi, CEO of Zitro USA, has highlighted that 88 Link Wild Duels includes all the characteristics that a slot game should have to succeed in any Casino. Along these lines, it stands out: the stunning HD graphics; the state-of-the-art sound design; or the appealing and innovative math models of its four “Wild Duels” games.

On the other hand, he emphasizes the incredible Allure cabinet (with 3 × 27 ? HD LCD monitors) and the beautiful Syncroscreen feature, which uses each of the top monitors for an impressive bank presentation.

Magrisi thanks Calder Casino in Florida for adding Zitro products to its high-quality entertainment offering and reiterates its plans for global expansion.
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