
 The emblematic National Council on Problem Gambling of the United States (NCPG) joins the institutional support of the International Workshop against Illegal Gaming

After a successful first edition, we are honored to announce that the historic and renowned National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) joins the institutions that support the Second International Workshop against Illegal Gaming, to be held online on next July 14th at 3:00 p.m. in Spain and which is organized by the International Alliance for Responsible Gaming.
This time the event focuses on the contrast between different jurisdictions and the importance of regulating under the premise of responsible gaming. Also, the topics of the event will be the necessary measures to stop illegal gaming, while working for the sustainable development of the industry.

Considering the above, the participation of an organization with extensive experience such as the NCPG is very relevant. The council was founded in 1972 under two key principles: being an advocate for troubled players and their families; and, not take a position for or against legalized gaming.

We must emphasize that this prestigious organization has the vision to lead state and national stakeholders in the development of comprehensive policy and programs for all those affected by problem gaming.

To achieve this goal, the NCPG is governed by the following values: neutrality, collaboration, respect, and credibility.
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