
 The South African Responsible Gambling Foundation also supports the Second International Workshop Against Illegal Gaming

From Johannesburg we have received the news of the support of the South African Responsible Gambling Foundation (SARGF) for the Second International Workshop Against Illegal Gaming, which undoubtedly ratifies the growing area of influence of the event organized by the International Alliance for Responsible Gaming.
 SARGF (South African Responsible Gambling Foundation) is a public-private initiative that was launched in June 2000 and was incorporated in 2004 into the National Responsible Gaming Program (NRGP). It should be noted that it emerges as a comprehensive industry response to the challenges posed by gaming problems in a developing nation like South Africa, after the legalization of the gaming industry in mid-1996.

The Second International Day against Illegal Gambling will be held on July 14 at 3:00 p.m. in Spain, soon we will share news about the registration process.
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