
 Sega Sammy grows 22.4% with net sales exceeding one billion euros

 Sega Sammy grows 22.4% with net sales exceeding one billion euros
 Sega Sammy has released its financial results for the six-month period ended September 30, that is, the first half of its fiscal year 2021-2022. In this regard, we highlight a growth of 22.4% thanks to net sales that exceed one billion euros (JPY134.9bn, £ 878.3m, € 1.02bn, $ 1.18bn)
As reported by Sega Sammy, the entertainment part of the business generated JPY 107.4 billion, 10.7% more than last year. The pachislot and pachinko machines raised JPY23.0bn, while the resort's operations totaled JPY 3.8bn.

Likewise, sales costs amounted to JPY77,480 million, 14.9% more than the previous year and left gross profit at JPY57,420 million, 32.6% more.

It should be noted that the entertainment sector contributed JPY 22.2 billion. However, the resort business, pachislot and pachinko machines and other sources lost a total of JPY 7.6 billion.

As a clear sign of the company's recovery, we can see how the losses decreased to JPY108 million, after a total of JPY2.61bn in the same period in 2020. In this line, Sega Sammy has explained: "Regarding the machines recreational activities, although the market has entered a recovery trend with a focus on the award category, facilities operations have not yet achieved a full recovery due to the impact of the spread of Covid-19."

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