
 ZITRO achieves great successes in the new Fuerteventura Casino

 ZITRO achieves great successes in the new Fuerteventura Casino
 Zitro has accompanied Automáticos Canarios and Grupo Orenes in the inauguration of the Gran Casino Fuerteventura. A premiere in which, from the very first moment, Zitro videoslot machines were always played.
Zitro has highlighted that its Link King, Link Me and 88 Link products have had a very special role within this new entertainment proposal in the north of the island of Fuerteventura, one of the most demanded regions by European tourists.

Referring to the inauguration of this establishment because of the important business alliance with Grupo Orenes, Miguel Alemán, President of Grupo Automáticos Canarios, comments: The impressive presence of Link King and Link Me, featured in the Fusion cabinet, and 88 Link, in Illusion, offer a formidable sensory spectacle and guaranteed fun for the players”.

As Gregorio Hernández, director of Grupo Orenes, Casino Division has stated, “Zitro's products could not be missing in our new Gran Casino in Fuerteventura, which are showing incredible performance in Casinos around the world. As a reference in the leisure sector, our commitment is to offer our customers the highest quality by incorporating the most advanced technologies and those products that set trends”.

Zitro’s Casinos Director, Jaime Aníbal-Álvarez, pointed out: “We want to thank Automáticos Canarios and Grupo Orenes for choosing our most successful products, which are already revolutionizing the gaming industry Worldwide. It is undoubtedly a sure bet for the future that will be reinforced with the upcoming product launches”.
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