
 Paf achieves 34.3 million euros in revenue during 2021


   Jan-Mikael von Schantz and Christer Fahlstedt

 Paf has published the financial results of 2021 and reveals that its income amounts to 34.3 million euros (16.7 million euros in 2020).
 According to Paf, they have managed to adapt well during the second year of the pandemic. Land & Ship operations show signs of improvement with revenue up 13%, but still a very poor result compared to pre-pandemic years. Online gaming, on the other hand, has seen steady improvement throughout the past year.

Paf CEO Christer Fahlstedt highlighted: “We can see a stable increase in revenue in the international markets that we are actively investing in. It is gratifying when persistence and hard work now delivers results. Another important reason for the increase is that sports and betting did not experience the same disruptions we saw in 2020”.

Paf has valued the momentum of the Swiss market for these solid results. The company acts as the provider of the gaming site of the Grand Casino Luzern. The gaming site, which is based on Paf's technology and gaming platform, has strengthened its position with a market share reaching 33%.

In the opinion of its CEO, this success in Switzerland is a clear example of Paf's ability and knowledge of exporting its products

For the fourth year in a row, Paf has chosen to openly publish customer segments that reveal customers' gambling gains and losses. The figures show that Paf has reduced its revenue from the orange segment by 23.3%, while at the same time revenue from the large green segment has increased by 11.3%.

“We are proud to deliver one of the best results in Paf’s history and at the same time we have a customer base that is more sustainable than ever. Our 2021 result is built on the right kind of money”, says Christer Fahlstedt.

In that regard, Paf managed to increase sales from €113 million to €135 million, as well as revenue from €16.7 million to €34.3 million. Therefore, it will increase dividends.

“This result gives us the opportunity to increase the dividend to 20.5 million euros. Compared to last year, that is 5.5 million euros more for the benefit of society. This is a success we are proud to share,” says Paf’s Chairman of the Board Jan-Mikael von Schantz.


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