
Malta Gaming Authority issues interim performance report for January to June 2022

 A review of the Authority's accomplishments for the first half of 2022 is provided in the report, together with a description of the Maltese gaming industry's performance over the same period.
 During this period, 16 compliance audits were conducted together 114 desktop reviews. The MGA issued a total of seven administrative penalties as well as two regulatory settlements, with a collective total financial penalty of €85,000. 

Enforcement measures were also issued by the FIAU to an additional four licensees, ranging from written reprimands to administrative penalties, with an emphasis on remediation measures, based on the breaches identified during examinations carried out in previous years, including by the MGA. In total, these amounted to just over €386,576.

Based primarily on reducing the risk of money laundering or funding terrorism, the Fit & Proper Committee determined that four individuals and entities did not meet the Authority's fit and properness criteria, while and addittional two applications were rejected by the Supervisory Council. 

In the first half of the year, 22 interviews with prospective money laundering reporting officers and key persons carrying out the AML/CFT function were carried out, with the aim of determining the knowledge and suitability of each candidate. 

The Authority sent 64 requests for international cooperation, the majority of which related to requests for background checks as part of an authorisation process. Furthermore, the Authority received a total of 36 requests for international collaboration from other regulators. 

In total, during the first six months of the year, the MGA received jsut over 100 requests for information from other local regulating authorities and governing bodies. 
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