
Zitro Community in the USA Joins Salvation Army's "Adopt-A-Family" Program to Support Families in Need

Zitro Community in the USA Joins Salvation Army's
This holiday season, Zitro's community in the USA proudly participated in the Salvation Army's "Adopt-A-Family" program to support families in need. The Zitro team was matched with two local families, coming together to provide meaningful gifts and support during a challenging time.
The generosity of the team members helped bring joy and hope to these families. From small gestures to larger gifts, every contribution made a difference for those who needed it most.

Zitro expressed its heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated, emphasizing that the kindness and solidarity of its employees is the greatest gift this holiday season.

Zitro Community in the USA Joins Salvation Army's

Zitro Community in the USA Joins Salvation Army's

Zitro Community in the USA Joins Salvation Army's
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