

The reopening of the Casino Sopron in Hungary: this is how the authorized sections are marked on the gaming tables


The European Casino Association reports that casinos also reopen in Hungary. Specifically, it is reported that Casino Sopron has been one of the ECA member establishments that has implemented the necessary hygiene measures to offer a relaxed gaming experience to its customers, while providing employees with the safest working conditions.


The European Casino Association reports that casinos also reopen in Hungary. Specifically, it is reported that Casino Sopron has been one of the ECA member establishments that has implemented the necessary hygiene measures to offer a relaxed gaming experience to its customers, while providing employees with the safest working conditions. For this reason, the casino is already open to the public, although as we can see, its gaming tables indicate the stalls where customers can sit and where the security space must be left.

For this reason, the casino is already open to the public, although as we can see, its gaming tables indicate the stalls where customers can sit and where the security space must be left.

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