
MGA Industrial roulettes ready to adapt to Cashless / BITO / TITO systems

MGA Industrial proposes to take a step forward with Cashless/BITO/TITO systems to adapt to new market trends and enjoy the many benefits of these solutions.
MGA Industrial has informed that all roulettes Magic Red, Compact, DLX and Luxury can be adapted to Cashless (electronic card), BITO (Bill In Ticket Out) or TITO (Ticket In Ticket Out) systems and proposes to give a step forward with these solutions to adapt to the new market trends and enjoy its many benefits, both for the operator and for the client of the gambling hall.

In addition to the elimination of possible viral transmissions by avoiding the use of banknotes and coins, a point in favour that takes on great importance at the time we live, Cashless/BITO/TITO systems offer many other advantages: greater security and discretion in customer operations; waiting times for manual payments are avoided; machine thefts are reduced by having centralized cash at ATMs; technical interventions for jams in hoppers, recyclers and coin acceptors, as well as refills of hoppers and recyclers, are eliminated; decrease in losses, staff fraud and fundrairing times, from which information can be obtained in real time; player tracking and the possibility of analysing flows in the gambling hall.

"At a time when the economy is especially hard-hitting is when we have to rethink the way we do things. And the ‘change’ to a new reality also involves the adaptation of the products to the new customs and circumstances. This vision, which is applicable to the reality of each one and obviously to the business world, must also be understood by the administrations to accept it and adapt to these changes, if they have not yet done so.
” – said Artur Porta.

In this context, it should be remembered that there are many communities that currently authorize the use of ticketing systems or approved electronic methods as legal ways of placing bets and obtaining payments on amusement machines.

The MGA Industrial Technical Service is available to proceed with the necessary adaptations, prior coordination through the Commercial Department. For more information get in touch with MGA Industrial on 935 824 555 or via e-mail through

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