
 CIRSA joins the protests called in support of the hospitality sector in Spain

 CIRSA joins the protests called in support of the hospitality sector in Spain
CIRSA continues to show its support for bars and restaurants, joining the protests organized for next Tuesday, September 29, when activities will be carried out, in the streets and virtually, to demand the inclusion of restaurant workers in the expansion of the Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTEs), as well as a Rescue Plan for a sector with a turnover of 50% from the beginning of this entire crisis.
To join the VIRTUAL CARAVAN for the hospitality industry, the hashtags #ProrrogaErtesHosteleria #CaravanaHostelera should be used at 10.30 am

In the case of the protest caravan (car, motorcycle, truck) in Madrid, the participants are invited to the Paseo de Camoens at 10:30 a.m., later the caravan of cars will circulate through several streets and then arrive at the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism at 11:15 a.m.
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