
 Tim Miller (Gambling Commission) at the IAGR Annual Conference: “our impact collectively is greater than the sum of our individual parts”

 Tim Miller, Executive Director of the Gambling Commission, participated in the Annual Conference of the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR). His presentation, entitled 'Regulatory Disruption: The Case of International Collaboration' emphasizes the importance of creating transnational regulatory frameworks.
 It should be noted that IAGR’s annual conference brings senior international gambling regulators and industry stakeholders together to hear from leading speakers, discuss known and emerging issues and connect and share knowledge about regulatory policy and practice, the latest research and industry developments and trends.

Tim Miller has extensive experience and within the Gambling Commission he is Responsible for Research and Statistics, Policy Development, as well as the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harm. In his speech he emphasized: “When we come together; act in a united way; speak with one voice, our impact collectively is greater than the sum of our individual parts”.

Miller took the opportunity to look back at the changes in the international gaming scene because of the pandemic and highlights the importance of creating stronger and more effective international regulatory partnerships to address shared interests and thereby ensure that gaming is fair, safe and crime free.

In this regard he spoke about the challenges and opportunities that both internationalization and the continuous advancement of technology represent in the gaming industry.


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