
MERKUR SPIELBANKEN NRW Teams Up with MSV Duisburg to Sponsor Their First Division Men's and Women's Teams

MERKUR SPIELBANKEN NRW Teams Up with MSV Duisburg to Sponsor Their First Division Men's and Women's Teams
MERKUR GROUP expands its sponsorship portfolio by partnering with the third division football club MSV Duisburg GmbH & Co KG. From now on, the MERKUR SPIELBANKEN NRW will support the team.
"When we received the request from MSV, we didn't hesitate to respond affirmatively. For us, it's natural to stand together even in difficult times, roll up our sleeves, and look ahead together. We want to contribute to that," said David Schnabel, CEO of MERKUR SPIELBANKEN NRW.

The partnership includes the first men's and women's teams and is initially scheduled until the end of the season.

The MERKUR SPIELBANKEN NRW, which operates the successful MERKUR CASINO in the city center, have a prominent place in Duisburg.

MERKUR SPIELBANKEN NRW Teams Up with MSV Duisburg to Sponsor Their First Division Men's and Women's Teams
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