
Aristocrat Gaming and Blind Center of Nevada Team Up to Recycle Over 1.5M Pounds of Slot Game Materials for Earth Day

Aristocrat Gaming and Blind Center of Nevada Team Up to Recycle Over 1.5M Pounds of Slot Game Materials for Earth Day
The Blind Center of Nevada, in partnership with Aristocrat Gaming, recycled over 1.5 million pounds of hardware and materials on Thursday, April 18, 2024
A local initiative is helping safely dispose of slot game materials just in time for Earth Day.

The Blind Center of Nevada teamed up with Aristocrat Gaming to recycle over 1.5 million pounds of hardware and materials on Thursday.

Visually impaired clients worked together to disassemble unusable game cabinets to benefit the center.

The program helps offer technical training and workforce development for people at the blind center.
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