
Entain Highlights Its 'ARC' Tool in the 2023-24 ESG Report for Player Protection

Entain Highlights Its 'ARC' Tool in the 2023-24 ESG Report for Player Protection
Entain plc has released its 2023-24 ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Report, highlighting its commitment to player protection under the pillar "Be a Leader in Player Protection".

Entain's Approach to Player Protection

Entain recognizes player protection as its most material issue and aims to be a leader in this area through innovative features, customer support, communications, and company culture. A dedicated pillar within its new sustainability strategy has been established for this purpose.

Focus Areas and Achievements (2023):

Best in Class Tailored Customer Protection Tools:

  • Deployment of the ARC™ (Advanced Responsibility & Care) tool for:
  • Digital offerings in 27 jurisdictions.
  • Retail operations in the UK and Republic of Ireland.
  • 8.7 million ARC™ interactions (+98% YoY) with 742,112 unique customers. ARC™ is an innovative tool designed to monitor player behavior and provide personalized protection.

Empowering Our People to Support and Protect Our Customers:

  • 97% completion rate for annual compliance, safer gambling, and AML training.
  • Continued rollout of tailored masterclasses and in-depth training for frontline staff.
Harm Prevention Through Education and Responsible Communications:

  • Expanded stakeholder education and training in the US with EPIC Global Solutions, major leagues, and player associations.
  • Dedicated 20% of TV advertising space and football sponsorship to safer betting and gaming communications or Entain Foundation promotion.

Promoting Research and Sharing Evidence-Based Learnings:

  • Concluded a five-year partnership with Harvard Medical School's CHADA, contributing £5.5 million to safer betting and gaming research.
  • Contributed 1% of UK GGY (Gross Gaming Yield) to Research, Education, and Treatment (RET), totaling £18.7 million.

Overall, Entain demonstrates a strong commitment to player protection through its innovative tools, staff training, educational initiatives, and research partnerships. Consult report
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