
IGT Nombra a Nick Khin Presidente de Juegos Globales

IGT Nombra a Nick Khin Presidente de Juegos Globales
International Game Technology announced that Nick Khin has been appointed as IGT President, Global Gaming. Khin previously served as IGT Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President, Gaming, since 2015.
In his role as IGT President, Global Gaming, Khin is responsible for managing the IGT Global Gaming business unit, including studios, technology, sales, games and hardware, manufacturing and services, and systems. Khin reports to IGT CEO Vince Sadusky and is based in Las Vegas.

"Nick is the obvious choice to lead IGT Global Gaming. Under his leadership, IGT is consistently releasing top games and strengthening its performance in every game category," said Vince Sadusky, IGT CEO. "Nick's knowledge, leadership and passion have earned him the respect of colleagues throughout our industry."

Nick Khin joined IGT in 2013 and led the corporate strategy and mergers and acquisitions functions. Nick came to IGT with more than 23 years of industry experience including senior executive roles based in Las Vegas, London, and Sydney.
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