

Spanish Gambling venues will open in PHASE 3


 BOE (Spanish State Official Newsletter) published on Saturday, May 30, contemplates the reopening of the sector in phase 3 with conditions ...


Saturday´s BOE update includes Order SND / 458/2020, of May 30, for the relaxation of certain national restrictions established after the declaration of the state of alarm in application of phase 3 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.

As for the gaming industry, "casinos, establishments for collective gambling and games of chance, gambling halls, arcades, raffles and tombolas, specific betting venues and other premises and similar facilities are permitted to be reopened to the public to those of recreational activity of games and bets, as long as they do not exceed fifty percent of the permitted capacity and the hygiene and prevention measures provided for in the order are complied with".


Conditions for the reopening of gaming and betting establishments and premises

  • This reopening is conditional on not exceeding fifty percent of the authorized capacity and on the fact that there are no more than fifty people in total inside the premises or establishment, including the workers of the premises. 


  • The establishments and premises in which gaming and betting activities are carried out must establish systems that allow the strict count and control of the capacity established in section 1, so that it is not exceeded at any time.


  • The arrangement and use of the machines or any other gaming device in the premises and establishments where gaming and betting activities are carried out must guarantee the maintenance of the minimum interpersonal safety distance of two meters.


  • The restaurant service located in gaming establishments or premises may be reopened to the public, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV.


Required Measures

These beloe are the hygiene and / or prevention measures in premises and establishments where gaming and betting activities are carried out

a) Dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health will be made available to customers, in any case at the entrance of the establishment or premises and at each gaming table, which must always be in good condition. of use.


b) Between one client and another, cleaning and disinfection of any type of machine or device through which gaming activities are offered, as well as chairs, tables or any other contact surface must be carried out.


c) The appropriate mechanisms and processes will be established to guarantee the sanitation, every two hours, of the casino chips, cards or any other game element that is exchanged between players.


d) Periodic ventilation tasks will be carried out in the facilities, at least twice a day.


e) The users of the gaming activities in which cash, casino chips, cards or any other game element is exchanged between players, as well as the workers who interact with said clients, must use them recurrently during the development of these games, the hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants provided in paragraph a).


f) Whenever possible, the use of any material in common use among clients should be avoided, opting for the use of their own electronic devices, blackboards, posters or other similar means.


And specifically In regards Opening of hotel and restaurant establishments:

1. The hotel and restaurant establishments for consumption on the premises may be opened to the public, except for discotheques and nightlife bars, provided that they do not exceed fifty percent of their capacity and the conditions are met provided for in this chapter.

2. Consumption within the premises may be done sitting at a table, or groupings of tables, preferably by prior reservation. The maintenance of the proper physical distance of two meters between the tables or, where appropriate, groupings of tables must be ensured. The table or group of tables used for this purpose must be in accordance with the number of people, allowing the minimum interpersonal security distance to be respected.

3. Bar consumption will be allowed provided that a minimum separation of two meters is guaranteed between clients or, where appropriate, groups of clients.


Source: BOE (Spanish State Official Newsletter)

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30 de mayo 2020

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