Alberto Garzón on ‘loot-boxes’: "This government intends to regulate them directly"
The Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón, during his appearance before the Mixed Commission for the Study of Addiction Problems in the Congress of Deputies, expressed the intention to directly regulate loot-boxes for considering that they promote compulsive consumption in vulnerable populations, such as minors.
During his speech, Garzón called not to criminalize video games, but to classify the different types that are on the market. Thus, he said that while there are positive and educational video games, there are others that promote compulsive behaviors and use mechanisms that are very similar to slot machines.
In this regard, the minister explained that these mechanisms or possibilities of accessing micro purchases during the game, result in incentives that can have negative consequences for the players.
He also explained that regulation is a fact in other countries, and that for now his office is in contact with experts, developers and the Spanish Video Game Association, to take the necessary actions.
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