
 LeoVegas, first operator to offer payments through open banking

 LeoVegas, first operator to offer payments through open banking
 LeoVegas, the leading mobile and online gaming entertainment operator, became the first in the industry to offer payments through open banking. In this regard, LeoVegas started these operations in the United Kingdom via the company's proprietary technical platform and has been widely accepted by users.
 According to LeoVegas, the banking transactions opened under PSD2 have the great advantage of achieving payments aeven more secure and faster payments for customers directly from their own bank accounts as well as lower transaction costs and a reduced dependence on other payment service providers for LeoVegas.

In this regard, Gustaf Hagman, CEO of the LeoVegas Group, explained that payments through open banking allow direct integration with many banks in Europe, which undoubtedly “will provide a superior customer experience offered by security and speed”.

Likewise, Hagman highlighted that these transactions will be considerably more profitable than those carried out with traditional payment methods, for which he expressed: “We are first out in the industry with this pioneering payment solution, which will change the entire payments industry in the years ahead ".

Finally, we must highlight that the results of the transactions of the first weeks of implementation in the United Kingdom show that 10% of all new customers are already choosing to initiate their payments via open banking. The solution will be successively rolled out across several of the company’s core markets in Europe.
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