
 MGA Games debuts in Portugal with PokerStars

 MGA Games announces its debut in the Portuguese market thanks to PokerStars, a brand operated by Flutter Entertainment, which now includes the developer's most successful and international productions in its catalogue.
MGA Games highlights that PokerStars is one of the most recognized and established casinos in the online gaming industry and has been the first operator in Portugal to include its successful and international productions: CSI Miami, Samantha Fox or Dream3Team and the Portuguese Celebrities, slots 100% localized starring well-known characters in the country such as Paulo Futre, Chef Chakall or Fanny Rodrigues, among others.

We must highlight the catalogue of premium products of MGA Games offers a great variety of titles with sequential loading technology and the Triple View system of MGA Games for its adaptive menus that guarantee the usability and visualization of the game in any position and from all types of devices.

Likewise, the company confirms that the new content will be incorporated progressively, and a weekly premiere is expected.
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