
Gaming Laboratories International (GLI®) Becomes First Laboratory to be Accredited in Maranhão, Brazil

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI®) Becomes First Laboratory to be Accredited in Maranhão, Brazil
Gaming Laboratories International (GLI®) has reached a significant milestone by becoming the first laboratory accredited in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. This accreditation allows GLI to perform testing and certification for the gambling and lottery industry looking to collaborate with lottery and fixed-odds betting operators in Maranhão.
This achievement underscores GLI’s leadership in Brazil, where it is accredited in all three jurisdictions that have authorized laboratories, making it the first and only laboratory to achieve this distinction.

Cassiano Pereira Junior, president of Maranhão Parcerias (Mapa), emphasized the importance of the partnership between the Maranhão State Lottery (Lotema) and GLI. “We are constantly working to make Lotema even better, providing greater security for its users. The partnership with GLI is a concrete step towards this goal, ensuring the conformity, security, and integrity of Lotema’s products and systems,” Cassiano explained.

Karen Sierra-Hughes, GLI’s Vice President for Latin America, Caribbean, and Spain, expressed her gratitude for the accreditation. “We are proud to support Lotema in implementing certification standards that promote transparency, integrity, and accountability in the industry. This milestone marks a significant step toward sustainable growth and local industry development.”

With over 26 years of experience working with regulators and stakeholders across Latin America and the Caribbean, GLI has been instrumental in fostering regulation and sustainable market growth. In Brazil, GLI has supported government entities for nearly 20 years, participating in public hearings and enhancing local representation to strengthen industry support.
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