
The European Casino Association congratulates the newly appointed European Commissioners and reinforces its commitment to collaboration and responsibility

The European Casino Association congratulates the newly appointed European Commissioners and reinforces its commitment to collaboration and responsibility
The European Casino Association (ECA) extends its heartfelt congratulations to the newly appointed European Commissioners following their recent appointment. As the representative body for licensed land-based casinos in Europe, the ECA expresses its readiness to engage with authorities on key industry matters and contribute to the region’s socio-economic development.
The association’s key priorities include:

  • Fostering constructive dialogue on industry-relevant issues.
  • Reaffirming its dedication to responsible gaming practices.
  • Contributing to economic growth within a strong and well-regulated framework.
The ECA anticipates a period of productive cooperation with the new European Commissioners and offers its industry expertise to support informed and effective policy-making.

With this statement, the ECA highlights its role as a key player in representing an industry that not only drives significant economic contributions but also prioritizes regulation, responsibility, and open dialogue with European institutions.
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