

 The Basque Government publishes its 2019 Gambling Report: the moderation in the development of the sector is its great feature


The Gaming Area of the Directorate of Gaming and Entertainment of the Basque Government (Área de Juego de la Dirección de Juego y Espectáculos del Gobierno Vasco) has published the Gambling Report 2019 (Memoria de Juego 2019), a very visual document full of relevant information in which after the first two sections where most of the activity data is provided, it is shown also the data related to the control activities of this Department (authorizations, licenses, inspections and homologations).


The Basque Country Gambling Report 2019 includes relevant information regarding the data and competences of the Gaming and Entertainment Directorate of the Basque Government in the field of gambling. Specifically, the document reviews the sectorial reality of 2019 through the following sections:

  • Graphics Index
  • Statistical data
  • Gaming activities whose control corresponds to the Directorate of Gaming and Entertainment of the Basque Country
  • Gambling authorizations
  • Gaming companies
  • Game material approval
  • Gambling venues in Euskadi
  • General bets
  • Income and Rates
  • Sanctioning files and appeals
  • Inspection activity of the UJE
  • Euskadi Gaming Interdictions Register
  • 2019 Play Area Agenda


The document provides the most significant data referring to the activity of the Gaming and Entertainment Directorate during the 2019 financial year, although it should be noted that other related activities have not been reflected due to their low volume and because they are carried out in local areas (rural sports, gambling on gables, etc). And with regard to the general scope of action, it is noted that the gaming activities whose control corresponds to the DJE are the following: raffles, horse racing, bingo, betting shops, betting terminals, machines in hospitality shops and in game and permits for casino, bingo and lounges.



We can see how the authorizations for Gaming Machines (B Machines) are reduced in 2019, from 634 (2018)  to 445 (2019), with a decrease also in operating companies. In 2017 the number of such authorizations was 697.



In the Graphic below in which the gaming companies are shown -by activity- we see how practically the evolution indicates a slight annual progression, with just the same total number, keeping the number of companies dedicated to the sector practically unchanged in this regard, highlighting only the increase in companies licensed to operate with B machines.

And it is that adding the data of the 2018 Game Memory, we can see for example how in 2017 there were 173 manufacturers, by 175 in 2018 and 179 in 2019. Or that for example, the companies operating B machines have had the following evolution in number:

  • 263 (2017)
  • 265 (2018)
  • 281 (2019)



Regarding the number of venues, we can see how at the end of 2019 there are 2 casinos, 13 bingo halls, 210 gaming rooms and 33 betting venues: a total of 262 establishments in the community. Based on the report of past years, the result is that:

  • in 2017 there were 256 stores
  • in 2018 there were 258 stores
  • in 2019, 262 stores appear in the table (see below), although 7 of them have not opened, while they are still in the process of receiving the license. So we can affirm that at the beginning of 2019, there is 1 less open place than in 2017. Something that as the CEO of RetaBET, Xabier Rodríguez Maribona comments, the alarmism that the general press boasts is without any basis.



The% dedicated to awards is very similar in the three provinces (Alaba 86.08% Bizkaia 86.18% and Guipuzkua 86.73%), highlighting in any case Bizkaia in volume since it is the one that concentrates more than 50% of the exercise.

  • Araba 16.05%
  • Biscay 50.91%
  • Guipuzkua 33.04%



We also find in this table the data referring to income generated by the Gaming and Entertainment Directorate in collection by administrative fees (not fiscal).

From the study of the data it is inferred that, from the territorial point of view, Bizkaia is the territory that collects the most amount, even exceeding the sum of the collections from the other 2 provinces.



As for sanctioning processes, 230 were started in 2019, to which must be added 21 that were already in process since 2018, so the total number of sanctioning files remains at 251.



In terms of inspections, the surveillance and control of the presence of minors (under 18 years old) in gaming and hospitality (restauración) facilities with gaming machines has been the highest priority, highlighting -as we see in the table below- up to 6,500 inspections of which 3,650 are performed for that reason.


Download Here THE FULL DOCUMENT (2019)



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