
 LUCKIA joins the prestigious association HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA

 LUCKIA joins the prestigious association HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA
 As we have recently published, the multinational LUCKIA has been one of the companies in the sector that has demonstrated its unconditional support for the Spanish hospitality industry, in the difficult times it faces.

Thus, HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA has announced through a press release that the renowned Galician company joins more than 30 companies that are already part of the Club.
 Likewise, the statement highlights that “LUCKIA's values fit in with the common principles of the Club de HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA, offering itself as a long-term, flexible and trustworthy partner, which focuses its efforts on the quality of care and training that offers".

Regarding this incorporation, the president of HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA, José Luis Yzuel, said: “We are very happy to have Luckia within the Club to continue growing with quality companies and extensive professional experience, which place the client at the center with guarantee and seriousness".

On the other hand, Alberto Mañas, CEO of Luckia, highlighted that: "at Luckia we are very proud to be part of the Spanish hospitality association and we trust that this agreement will be very beneficial for both parties".
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