
 Jdigital joins the EGBA letter to the European Commission

 Jdigital joins the EGBA letter to the European Commission
 Jdigital, the Spanish Association for Digital Gaming, joins the letter sent by the industry to the European Commission in support of the re-established EU Group of Experts on Gaming.
The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) has highlighted through a press release that seventeen trade associations, representing the main online gambling operators in the EU, have sent a joint letter to the European Market Commissioner Interior, Thierry Breton, calling on the European Commission to re-establish the EU Expert Group on Gaming Services to support regulatory cooperation between European gaming authorities.

We must highlight that Jdigital joins this prestigious group that values regulatory cooperation at the EU level as a fundamental aspect for a safe and well-functioning online gaming market.

The call to action follows a similar request recently issued by 13 national gaming authorities.

Regarding the letter sent, EGBA explains: “A basic EU-level structure for cooperation and information exchange between national gambling authorities is a pre-requisite for a safe and well-functioning online gambling market in the EU, particularly that it is sector which is non-harmonized at EU-level but touches the lives of millions of Europeans. We therefore urge you to reinstate the Commission-mandated EU Expert Group on Gambling Services".


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