
 AN ENTIRE INSTITUTION IN ARGENTINA: Doctor Julio Ángel Brizuela confirms his participation in the Third International Workshop against Illegal Gaming

 Dr. Julio Ángel Brizuela, renowned psychiatrist with extensive experience in behavioral addictions and a true institution in Argentina, is the first confirmed speaker of the Third International Workshop against Illegal Gaming, a virtual event organized by the International Alliance for Responsible Gaming to be held next September 13th at 4:00 p.m. in Spain.

On this occasion we have the honor of presenting Dr. Julio Ángel Brizuela, who works as Coordinator of the Section of Pathological Gaming and Other Behavioral Addictions of the Association of Psychiatrists of Latin America (APAL), professor of the Association of Argentine Psychiatrists (APSA ) and teaching director of CONJUGAR SRL dedicated to counseling, research and teaching in Pathological Gambling and Behavioral Addictions. Furthermore, he is a co-author of the Responsible Gaming Manual (2007).
Under the title Resolution for change, Dr. Brizuela's presentation takes as a starting point Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which he defines as the active and voluntary contribution to social, economic and environmental improvement by companies, generally with the objective of improving its competitive and value situation and its added value.

In esteregard, he relates it to responsible gaming policies, its foundations, main actions, stages, scope and conditions for a successful development.

DOCTOR JULIO ÁNGEL BRIZUELA is Coordinating Psychiatrist of the Section on Pathological Gambling and other Behavioral Addictions of the Association of Psychiatrists of Latin America (APAL); Professor of the Association of Argentine Psychiatrists (APSA); Co-author of the 2007 Responsible Gaming Manual Teaching director of CONJUGAR S. R. L. (advice, research and teaching in Pathological Gambling and Behavioral Addictions)

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