
 NOVOMATIC Italy inaugurates the Responsibility Gallery at its offices in Rome and Rimini

NOVOMATIC Italy inaugurates the Responsibility Gallery: a permanent exhibition installed in the Rome and Rimini offices representing the five "pillars" that have always supported the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability initiatives of the NOVOMATIC AG Group in the world: Responsible Entertainment, Compliance Always, Enjoy working with Us, Going Green and Active in the Community.
NOVOMATIC Italy has highlighted that the date chosen to open the gallery was April 22nd, Earth Day, a global event intended to celebrate the ecosystem in which we live and, even more, to make the world population aware of the importance of its preservation and protection.

In this regard, Markus Buechele, CEO of the NOVOMATIC Italia Group, said that there is no better date to inaugurate this gallery "especially since the Going Green project, the pillar dedicated to sustainability and environmental protection, is the one that sees efforts committed of various structures within the Group today more than ever”.

Likewise, he emphasized the importance of "dealing with the increase in costs related to energy consumption, but above all to reduce the ecological footprint of NOVOMATIC Italy, in full harmony with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development signed by the UN countries"

The CEO of the NOVOMATIC Italia Group also values supporting the communities where they operate, “the adoption of ecological policies and initiatives, the protection of players, full compliance with current regulations and the promotion of a culture of legality and responsibility in all fields".
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