InfoPlay partners with the women's team of the S.S. Lazio partners with the women's team of the S.S. Lazio
The portal dedicated to the portal and developed by the SKS365 Group becomes the main partner of the women's category of the S.S. Lazio for the 2022/2023 season.
The strategic agreement will allow the website to support the Roman team throughout the campaign and will show its brand both in the training grounds and the "Mirko Fersini Stadium" which will be fully decorated in the teams in which the team plays at home.

However, the agreement does not stop there and the men's team will also be involved. In the matches played in the "Olympic Stadium", the brand will be projected on all the LED screens of the venue.

Beyond the field, this synergy will also extend to the club's social networks and digital content, as well as to the social responsibility programs of the S.S. Lazio, who will be strengthened after the agreement and will continue to support the non-profit organization So.Spe.

“We are very happy to consolidate the strategic alliance with S.S. Women's Lazio in this new season, which we hope will be full of successes on both sides” commented Troy Cox, SKS365 COC and added that “the agreement will help us further boost the visibility of our new infotainment brand through digital and engagement campaigns developed in synergy with the club. The feminine connotation of this association demonstrates the great value of our company and the commitment to Diversity and Inclusion and in the world of sports.

Finally, he revealed that "loyalty, inclusion, fairness in the game and solidarity will be the key values ??of this common project, which will allow us to advance and strengthen our bond with the city of Rome".

Ludovica Falloni, Eleni Karampouki and Noemi Visentin, players of the club, also valued this association and were “very satisfied with an agreement that will give greater visibility to the women's movement. The club is always at the forefront to enhance this commitment, both off and on the pitch with our players”.

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