
 SKS365 is recognized as a Top Employer 2023 in Italy

 The international gaming and betting group is among the certified companies of Top Employers, which recognizes excellence in HR policies and strategies.
 SKS365, which operates in Italy under the Planetwin365 brand, has joined the Top Employers Italy 2023 certified companies. Being certified as a Top Employer showcases an organization's dedication to a better work environment through excellent HR policies and people practices. 

The recognition, given by the globally recognised Top Employers Institute, certifies organizations based on the participation and results of their HR Best Practices Survey. This survey covers six HR domains consisting of 20 topics including People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Wellbeing and more. 

"We are proud and delighted to have been recognised as Top Employer Italy", comments Brian Dean, CPO of SKS365. "The company has undertaken a 5 years' journey of transformation and restructuring, during which the People & Culture framework was established. This accreditation represents an important recognition of our ongoing commitment to developing a pioneering workplace culture that puts our people's needs first. This accreditation also puts us in a strong position in the market to continue to attract the best talents and keep on growing in 2023. The Top Employers Certification will become an incentive for us to further improve and achieve even more". 

Top Employers Institute CEO David Plink says: "Exceptional times bring out the best in people and organizations. And we have witnessed this in our Top Employers Certification Program this year: exceptional performarce from the certified Top Employers 2023. These employers have always shown that they care for the development and wellbeing of their people. By doing so, they collectively enrich the world of work. We are proud to announce and celebrate this year's group of leading people-oriented employers: the Top Employers 2023". 

The program has certified and recognized 2052 Top Employers in 121 countries/regions across five continents. 

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