
Loteries de Catalunya, committed to responsible gaming

 Loteries de Catalunya has published its first annual report in alignment with the Global Reporting Initiative requirements. The report provides an overview of the company's operations and achievements throughout 2020 and 2021.
 The report also highlights the company's efforts to improve its reponsible gaming practices and its commitment to social responsibility. Loteries de Catalunya has achieved certification under the Responsible Gaming requirements of the European Lotteries and World Lottery Association, demonstrating its commitment to minimizing any negative impact that its gaming products might have on society and vulnerable groups. 

Marta Rodelas, the leader of the project at Loteries de Catalunya, highlighted the importance of sustainability in the company's operations, stating: "We want to go a step further as a socially responsible entity, taking into account the impact of our decisions on society and the set of practices that we carry out". 

Loteries de Catalunya believes in a lottery as a form of social entertainment that is technologically up-to-date and socially inclusive, and its mission is to contribute to the cohesion of society. 

The publicacion of the annual report is alignment with GRI standars is a significant milestone for Loteries de Catalunya. GRI is an international organization that helps businesses and organizations take responsibility for their impacts by providing a common language for communicating those impacts. The GRI standars provide a framework for organizations to report on their economic, environmental, and social impacts in a credible and comparable way. 

As the Loteries de Catalunya continues to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic, working in alignment with GRI standars will facilitate achieving sustainable operations, which will undoubtedly help it to maintain its position as a socially responsible lottery company. 
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