
Ceuta Boosts Prospects in Online Gaming with Avangreen's Digital Hub Kickoff

Ceuta Boosts Prospects in Online Gaming with Avangreen's Digital Hub Kickoff
The President of the Autonomous City of Ceuta, Juan Vivas, alongside councilors Alejandro Ramírez and Alberto Gaitán, marked a milestone on Wednesday by symbolically laying the foundation stone for the future digital and data processing center (DATA Center) of the multinational Avangreen.
Located on the esplanade of Muelle de Poniente, this center represents a crucial step for Ceuta's ambitions in the online gaming sector, an industry the local administration has chosen to heavily invest in to compete with Gibraltar post-Brexit.

"The future Ceuta is drawn in green, blue, sustainable, digital, and intelligent," expressed President Vivas, emphasizing the significance of this step for the city. The project, supported by the public company Procesa, led by councilor Kissy Chandiramani, reflects Ceuta's commitment to a green and digital economy.

Vivas praised entrepreneurship as a driver of progress and stressed the need to pave the way for business initiatives to become reality. The president acknowledged the "boldness and vision" of Avangreen's CEO, Manuel Gómez, and thanked the support from the Government Delegation, the Port Authority, and the Chamber of Commerce.

The project not only strengthens the competitiveness of local businesses but also has the potential to boost employment in the region. While Vivas celebrated this achievement, he also noted some pending challenges, such as the recovery of old bonuses, the improvement of the Economic and Fiscal Regime (REF), and the implementation of measures agreed upon in the Social Dialogue.

In a tone of strategic unity, the president concluded: "If we want to go far, we have to go together," emphasizing the importance of maintaining cohesion to achieve the set goals.
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