
Blokotech is now a registered provider in Peru

Blokotech is now a registered provider in Peru
Blokotech, a B2B iGaming software supplier with a global presence, has secured its regulatory accreditation from Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade & Tourism (Mincetur).
The premier iGaming platform and content aggregator is now positioned to provide its product suite to both sports betting and casino operators in Peru. As the fourth most populous country in South America and after the successful introduction of new gaming regulations, Peru is a very promising market.

Securing regulatory approval will also amplify Blokotech’s reach across the rapidly growing LatAm market with a number of new customers planned to launch in Peru before the year is out.

Blokotech Co-Founder and CEO Salvatore Messina said: "Peru represents a huge opportunity for the Blokotech business and our partners. Being certified as a service provider in Peru consolidates our position within LatAm as a trusted and progressive software supplier."
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