
Analyzing the latest Gambling de Aragón Reports: moderate activity, without new establishments or companies and with notable decreases in electronic bingo and in the business benefit of sports betting

We present a comparative analysis between the Gambling Report of the Community of Aragon in the 2018 financial year and the recently published Report corresponding to the year 2019, which shows the clear trend of moderation and very few notable changes in the most important variables for the sector in recent years.
 As we already have the Gambling Report for the year 2019, it is a good time to review the evolution of the main variables analyzed by the Community of Aragon each year. Therefore, considering as sources the Reports published in 2019 and 2020 corresponding to the 2018 and 2019 fiscal years respectively, we are going to point out some data to take into account.

These reports provide a large amount of data that reflects the situation in the sector.

First, we find information on the General Gaming Registry, collecting the number of models, gaming material and the gaming companies that carry out their activity in the Community.

Regarding the number of gaming models approved in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, in the last two complete years (2028 and 2019) there has been a slight increase. As can be seen in the table, on December 31, 2019 there were 1,894 homologated models, which is 3.27% more than in the previous year.

If we look at the distribution between the different types of machines in these approvals, as happened in 2018 and in previous years, during 2019 the type B machine approvals obtained the highest percentage, with 69.75 % of the total, while those of type C machines only reach 5.28%.

Regarding the evolution of the number of manufacturing companies, from 2016 to 2017 there was a significant increase, which was maintained in 2018. However, in 2019 the number of companies registered in the General Registry of Gambling of the Government of Aragon fell to 63.

Thus, we must highlight that the manufacturers of B machines have the most presence, representing 37% of all companies.

On the other hand, we also found a total of 43 gaming halls companies, when for example at December 31, 2017 there were 45, so the number of companies in this important segment continues to decrease.

The table below shows the evolution of the number of type B and C machines since December 31, 2013. It can be seen how the global number of type “B” machines has hardly changed compared to the figures of the previous year, Thus, on December 31, 2019, there were a total of 6,916 machines.

Also, it can be seen how the global number of type “B” machines has been compared to 2018 and the most relevant change occurred between 2017 and 2018.

As of December 31, 2019, the Autonomous Community of Aragon had a total of 118 gaming halls, which means a slight variation considering last year's figures:

We must remember that in the Community there is a marked difference between the types of Gaming Halls. First, the recreational or type A salons, are those establishments that are dedicated to the operation of type A machines, and in which under no circumstances may type B machines be installed. Second, Gaming Halls or type B, are the establishments authorized to operate type B machines, without affecting that they may also have type A machines in operation, in which case they must be separated in different rooms without direct communication, unless there is an express prohibition of entry of minors throughout the premises.

In the case of Electronic Bingo, with data available since 2013, we can see in 2019 an increase in the amount played, the prizes, as well as the net profit obtained, compared to the 2018 figures. This modality is offered in bingos, but most of it is done from gaming halls (85%).

Regarding Sports Betting, there are currently 10 betting companies registered in Aragon. The total number of premises with bets is 141, with the following distribution by type of establishment:
  • Gaming Halls 118
  • Bingos 13
  • Betting Venues 9
  • Casinos 1
We must remember that at the end of 2017 the figure was very similar, with 130 stores with bets throughout the Community.

The following table collects the economic data of the bets held in the Autonomous Community of Aragon in the establishments authorized to do so since 2013. For 2019, a slight reduction in business profit is observed (-1.49%), derived of a greater increase in the amounts paid (7.80%) than in the amounts wagered (6.07%).

Far from maintaining the trend as most of the variables analyzed up to now, although the number of bingo rooms more or less remains (on December 31, 2019, there were 13 bingo management companies in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, and 14 rooms bingo), it is in the sales of cards where an important fall in the trend is observed.

If the 2018 figures showed a growth of 3.52% compared to the previous year, the data for the year 2019 indicate a significant reduction of 12.93%.

As for casinos, the only establishment of this type in the Community, the Casino de Zaragoza, shows a small increase in its income.


Download the Report on the Game in Aragon 2019 (PDF)
Download the Report on the Game in Aragon 2018 (PDF)
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