
 Study reveals that 73% of Spaniards do not associate the hospitality industry with outbreaks of COVID-19 and 75% highlights its adaptation to the new normality

 Study reveals that 73% of Spaniards do not associate the hospitality industry with outbreaks of COVID-19 and 75% highlights its adaptation to the new normality
 HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA has announced the results of the “MAKRO Study on Hospitality and Consumer Affairs”, an activity promoted together with FACYRE, Euro-Toques and MAKRO. The report seeks to make visible the needs and provide relevant information of a sector that represents 6.2% of the national GDP and generates jobs for 1.7 million people.
 Within the framework of the Hospitality Day, the results were presented through a virtual press conference with the participation of Marta Blanco, CEOE International President and CEOE Tourism Council; José Luis Yzuel, President of Hospitality of Spain; Pepa Muñoz, chef and president of FACYRE; Peter Gries, Managing Director of MAKRO; Marta Pérez Postigo, Head of Communication and CSR at MAKRO; and Chema León, Marketing Director of MAKRO.

Next, we share the most outstanding results of the MAKRO Study on Hospitality and Consumer Affairs ”carried out during the month of September 2020, which had responses from 2,021 Spanish individuals (men and women) aged between 18 and 65 years:
  • 73% consider that the hospitality industry is not responsible for sprouts
  • 75% believe the hospitality industry is rapidly adapting to the new normal
  • 58% of citizens missed bars and restaurants during confinement.
  • 3 out of 4 Spaniards want the pandemic to pass in order to go to bars and restaurants more often
  • 85% would like to be able to help the Spanish hospitality industry
  • 9 out of 10 agree to extend the terrace licenses until the end of the year
  • 87% consider it positive that the letters / menus and digitized means of payment are maintained.
  • 80% consider the increase in the frequency of cleaning and disinfection very important.
  • 71% consider distance control very important
  • 56% consider it very important to meet the maximum capacity
  • 50% consider it very important to follow a security protocol among staff
  • 50% consider the "Safe Hospitality" Seal to be very important when choosing an establishment
18+ | –
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