
 Gauselmann Group launches its "360" initiative in Great Britain to protect users

 Gauselmann Group launches its
 Gauselmann Group announced the launch of the "360" initiative in Great Britain, which seeks to protect its users from land-based gaming. Undoubtedly, another example of the social responsibility of the German group.
 According to information from the Gauselmann Group, this initiative was preceded by the international certification process for the protection of the player by the Global Gambling Guidance Group (G4), during which the performance of the company in the area of social responsibility was examined and evaluated. With the subsidiaries Praesepe and Blueprint, both the British B2C business and the B2B business of the Gauselmann Group were taken into account.

In this regard, Sascha Blodau, UK Managing Director of the Gauselmann Group, stressed that: “When it comes to social responsibility, it is never enough. This path never ends ”.

And, added that the Gauselmann Group seeks to be the best in all areas and that includes "setting standards in terms of social responsibility." Also, Blodau emphasized that despite the low incidence of problem gambling in Britain, they are committed to protecting all of their customers "and providing them with the safest and most worry-free gaming experience possible."

For his part, Tony Boulton, head of public relations and political relations in the United Kingdom of the Gauselmann Group, explained that "The creation of a brand for this purpose makes clear the importance of the initiative for the company, the industry and also the clients.”

He also commented: “The name '360' reflects the fact that it is an ongoing process. We go through a comprehensive development that includes all members of the company, from the highest to the newest employee."

In addition, according to a press release from the Gauselmann Group, the initiative is supported by a six-member advisory council, the Social Responsibility Advisory Council. This must meet quarterly and is made up of managers from the Gauselmann Group and external experts, including a member of the G4.

The first appointment will take place at the end of November 2020, due to the current situation as part of a virtual meeting. The "360" initiative is supported by BACTA (British Amusement Catering Trade Association), GBG (Gambling Business Group), YGAM (Young Gamers & Gamblers Education Trust) and the regulatory authority.
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