
 Playtech shares rose 57% after agreeing to Aristocrat's $ 3.7 billion acquisition

 Playtech shares rose 57% after agreeing to Aristocrat's $ 3.7 billion acquisition
Aristocrat announced that it will acquire Playtech for $ 3.7 billion, prompting a 57% increase in Playtech's share price.
The transaction will allow the Australian gaming company to increase its presence in the US online sports betting market. It is also expected to contribute to the growth of the casino business.

On this important step forward, Aristocrat CEO Trevor Croker confirmed that they expect to achieve additional single-digit earnings per share in the first year after the purchase.

While the head of Playtech, MorWeizer, said that the agreement "can improve our distribution, our ability to build new and deeper relationships with our partners and our technological capabilities"

It should be noted that both companies expect the transaction to close in the second quarter of 2022, subject to shareholder approval.
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