
 SYNOT Games shows its solidarity with Ukraine

 SYNOT Games shows their most caring side and ensures that they do their best to help friends, their families and all Ukrainians in any way possible.
SYNOT Games highlights that they are ready to quickly open and provide new positions for IT professionals looking for work, providing at least some kind of security and stability in these difficult times, whether remote or relocating to Slovakia or Czechia.

The company has assured that the current situation in Ukraine is not an isolated event as it affects all facets of our lives, inside and outside the country's borders.

SYNOT Games has expressed its deepest regret to all those affected by recent events. And he sends three emotional messages that denote his great sensitivity and solidarity:
  • Let us express our deepest sorrow to all affected by recent events. If you have the means, reach out to us, to friends and families across the border. We are ready to help.
  • If you or someone you know is ready to take up employment now or at a later time, reach out to us at or DM us here.
  • To all our Ukrainian colleagues, friends, and business partners, stay strong and safe!
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