
Alex Fierek (ARISTOCRAT) receiving the Award for the Company Most Committed to Sustainability:
"People First"

Alex Fierek (ARISTOCRAT) receiving the Award for the Company Most Committed to Sustainability:
Recently, at the INFOPLAY Responsible Gaming and CSR Awards Gala, Aristocrat was recognized as the Company most committed to sustainability, for which Alex Fierek, Marketing Communications Manager, received this important distinction from lawyer Santiago Asensi.
Alex Fierek began his words by appreciating the privilege it has meant for him to receive this award on behalf of the company he has worked for for more than 15 years and which has developed successful games under the same name for 69 years. Likewise, he highlights that the company's motto is 'People First' and it is something that they demonstrate in all their actions.

Next, his words

I can confirm that every internal meeting, project or discussion is always conducted from the perspective of the people. Ahead of any mention of financial figures, goals or objectives.

Our principle is that if you care for the people around you, their needs, their families and the communities you are in, they will respond with greater passion and more creativity, allowing us to attract and retain the best talent available.

We live, work and serve in a society that has to attend everyone, it is essential to incorporate and respect the largest possible number of people who make up society, without presumptions or prejudices.

That is why we support with actions and not just with words the important issues of sustainability, responsible gaming, the work environment, talent, inclusion, well-being and problems related to the community.

Nearly two years ago, just after the first COVID-19 lockdown, our Executive Board made the decision not to cut staff, and not limit continued investment in game design and development. While we may have suffered more financially here in Europe from the COVID-19 restrictions, our progress in other parts of the world has been remarkable and in recent months, in some areas of the business, even now, it's quite difficult to hire fast enough for the demand we meet.

These facts support that the decisions made were from the perspective of 'People First'.

I'm pleased to report to you today, as a result of organizational restructuring, Aristocrat Gaming's Europe region now works within the same business unit as the Latin America team. Therefore, in the future we can expect even greater synergies in the important areas of sustainability throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

I can also confirm that a significant part of our workforce has been working day and night to support the thousand Ukraine-based employees who work in Aristocrat's digital business and also their families. More than 2/3 of our Ukrainian workers have been successfully relocated and the rest continue to receive financial and humanitarian support.

Our mobile gaming operations in Russia have also been suspended. While acknowledging our commitment to also continue to support the employees and their families there.

This is sustainability.

Next, the video

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