
GIBRALTAR: Minister Feetham Addresses Ethical Gambling Forum 2024

GIBRALTAR: Minister Feetham Addresses Ethical Gambling Forum 2024

   Minister Feetham alongside Jo Abergel, co-founder of the Ethical Gambling Forum

In his speech, Minister Feetham emphasised the need for responsible behaviour from regulated sectors (both financial services and gaming) in Gibraltar, which is crucial for maintaining Gibraltar's reputation and fostering economic growth.

Key points from the address include:

- The industry is important to Gibraltar and is highly valued.
- The importance of gaming companies making an economic contribution to Gibraltar, behaving responsibly, and upholding the good reputation of the jurisdiction.
- The Government’s support for regulated businesses to expand into international markets (not just the U.K.) to bolster economic resilience.
- The responsibility of licensed operators to comply with various laws and regulations, including taxation and employment laws.
- Emphasis on public benefits derived from taxation, such as funding for education, healthcare, and social services.
- A call for a joined-up approach to regulation, focusing on economic contribution, compliance culture, and societal engagement.
- The importance of trust between government and business community, with a strong emphasis on integrity and ethical compliance.

The Minister's support for responsible gambling initiatives, including the Centre of Excellence for Responsible Gambling at Gibraltar University. Minister Feetham concluded by stressing the importance of industry self-regulation, while affirming the government's commitment to intervene when necessary for the greater good of the community.

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